{(Set: $fnords to (Either: "NuKraft", "KidiCorp", "Vaser", "Aleph"))
(unless: $korps is "OFF") [{(Either: "Colt-Pepsi",
"Nkembe GmbH",
"Shanghai Security",
"Unified Security",
"Gold Coast Maximum Law Corporation",
"Titan Pacifications",
"Phelps-Decker Ballistic Munitions",
"Phelps-Decker Ballistic Munitions",
"Carbon Consumer Products",
"Carbon Consumer Products",
"Carbon Consumer Products",
"Phelps-Decker Ballistic Munitions",
"Phelps-Decker Ballistic Munitions",
"Carbon Consumer Products",
"Carbon Consumer Products",
"Carbon Consumer Products")}]}{(Either:
"Action Boy",
"Action Girl",
"Affordable Alternative",
"Alma Mater",
"Ante Bellum",
"Areo Mag",
"Baron Samedi",
"Best Defense",
"Best Friend",
"Black Unicorn",
"Black Widow",
"Bona Fide",
"Bottom Line",
"Bullet Boy",
"Bullet Girl",
"Burning Bush",
"Cao Cao",
"Carpe Diem",
"Corpus Christi",
"Decision Maker",
"Dictim Factum",
"Dire Wolf",
"Dragon King",
"Ductus Exemplo",
"Final Remedy",
"George Washington",
"Grim Reaper",
"Habemus Papam",
"Hard Truth",
"Health Alteration Device",
"Holy Avenger",
"Insurance Policy",
"Kematian Rakan",
"Lead Poisoner",
"Magnum Opus",
"Memento Mori",
"Mir Tvorca",
"Night Owl",
"Orphan Maker",
"Para Bellum",
"Paul Revere",
"Polite Objection",
"Profit Margin",
"Purring Kitten",
"Royal Flush",
"Semper Fortis",
"Semper Virilis",
"Sola Fide",
"Sun Tzu",
"Vae Victus",
"Vox Populi",
"White Knight",
"White Lion",
"Winter Howl",
"Humble Bundle",
"Standard Issue"
)}{(set: _roll to (Either: 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2000, 2000, 2000))
(if: _roll is 1) [
(set: _digit to (random: 1, 9))
(elseif: _roll is 2000) [
20(Display: "Numeral")(Display: "Numeral")
(else:) [
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,_roll))[(Display: "Numeral")]]}{(set: $temp to $ogun)
(if: $ogun is 0) [ (set: $temp to (random: 1, 20)) ]
(set: _roll to $temp)
(if: _roll is 1) [
holdout pistol
(Set: $harm to 2)
(Set: $tags to (a: "hand/close","discreet","quick","reload","loud"))
(elseif: _roll is 2) [
flechette pistol
(Set: $harm to 3)
(Set: $tags to (a: "close/near", "quick","flechette"))
(elseif: _roll is 3) [
(Set: $harm to 2)
(Set: $tags to (a: "close/near","reload","loud","quick"))
(elseif: _roll is 4) [
semi-auto pistol
(Set: $harm to 2)
(Set: $tags to (a: "close/near","loud","quick"))
(elseif: _roll is 5) [
heavy revolver
(Set: $harm to 3)
(Set: $tags to (a: "close/near","reload","loud"))
(elseif: _roll is 6) [
heavy pistol
(Set: $harm to 3)
(Set: $tags to (a: "close/near","loud"))
(elseif: _roll is 7) [
(Set: $harm to 3)
(Set: $tags to (a: "close/near","loud","messy reload"))
(elseif: _roll is 8) [
automatic shotgun
(Set: $harm to 3)
(Set: $tags to (a: "close/near","loud messy","autofire"))
(elseif: _roll is 9) [
assault rifle
(Set: $harm to 3)
(Set: $tags to (a: "near/far","loud","autofire"))
(elseif: _roll is 10) [
machine pistol
(Set: $harm to 2)
(Set: $tags to (a: "close/near","loud","autofire"))
(elseif: _roll is 11) [
(Set: $harm to 2)
(Set: $tags to (a: "close/near","loud","autofire"))
(elseif: _roll is 12) [
(Set: $harm to 3)
(Set: $tags to (a: "near/far","loud messy","autofire","clumsy"))
(elseif: _roll is 13) [
hunting rifle
(Set: $harm to 2)
(Set: $tags to (a: "far/ex", "loud"))
(elseif: _roll is 14) [
(Set: $harm to 2)
(Set: $tags to (a: "close/near/far","reload"))
(set: $bow to (Either: "crossbow", "hunting bow"))
(elseif: _roll is 15) [
sniper rifle
(Set: $harm to 3)
(Set: $tags to (a: "far/ex","loud","clumsy"))
(elseif: _roll is 16) [
anti-materiel rifle
(Set: $harm to 3)
(Set: $tags to (a: "far/ex","loud","messy","breach","clumsy"))
(elseif: _roll is 17) [
grenade launcher
(Set: $harm to 4)
(Set: $tags to (a: "near/far","area","loud","messy","clumsy"))
(elseif: _roll is 18) [
grenade tube
(Set: $harm to 4)
(Set: $tags to (a: "near","area","reload","loud","messy"))
(elseif: _roll is 19) [
assault cannon
(Set: $harm to 4)
(Set: $tags to (a: "near/far","area","messy","breach","clumsy"))
(else:) [
missile launcher
(Set: $harm to 5)
(Set: $tags to (a: "far","area","messy","breach","clumsy"))
(unless: $quirks is "OFF") [ {(Set: _quirk to (Display: "Quirk"))
(Set: $tags to ($tags + (a: _quirk)))} ]
}(set: $moar to " more ")
(css: "font-size: 80%;")[ Here are your guns! **<a href="https://xiombrag.tripod.com/SprawlQuirks.htm" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">CLICK HERE</a>** to **<a href="https://xiombrag.tripod.com/SprawlQuirks.htm" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">open a new tab</a>** which describes **<a href="https://xiombrag.tripod.com/SprawlQuirks.htm" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">all the tags used below</a>**. ]
{(unless: $quirks is "OFF") [ (css: "font-size: 50%;")[<a href="https://xiombrag.tripod.com/SprawlQuirks.htm" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">The list of tags</a> includes some that are not in *The Sprawl*. The extra tags are "gun quirks," representing the sort of little issues (or improvements) certain models of guns are known for. Click on the link to the left to turn them off and on, tho it *will* reload the page, completely changing the $gunstring. ]]}
(css: "font-size: 70%;")[ {(unless: $quirks is "OFF") [Any firearm can be //+linked// unless it has the <a href="https://xiombrag.tripod.com/SprawlQuirks.htm" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">//+fiddly// tag (quirk).</a>] (else:) [Any firearm can be <a href="https://xiombrag.tripod.com/SprawlQuirks.htm" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">//+linked//</a>]} ]
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,$howmany))
[{(Set: $harm to 0)
(Set: $tags to (a: "untagged"))}
(Display: "OneGun") (css: "font-size: 75%;")[($harm-harm (Display: "TagDump"))]]
{(unless: $korps is "OFF") [ (css: "font-size: 50%;")[The corporations are from the back of //The Sprawl// rulebook (css: "font-size: 70%;")[(not all are used, just the military ones and a handful of others)], from a local campaign of the //The Sprawl// and from my imagination. To turn them off, click on the link on the left. ]]}
(link: "change number of guns")[(set: $howmany to 0)(goto: "OnlyHowMany")] (unless: $howmany >= $maxgunz)[ (set: $fnord to ($howmany + 1))(link: "show me $fnord new $gunstring")[(set:$howmany to it + 1)(goto: "AllGuns")] ]
[[change type of guns->WhatType]] (set: $fnords to "show me $howmany new $gunstring")[[$fnords->AllGuns]]
(link: "start over completely")[(set: $howmany to 0)(goto: "HowMany")] (unless: $howmany < 2)[ (set: $fnord to ($howmany - 1))(link: "show me $fnord new $gunstring")[(set:$howmany to it - 1)(goto: "AllGuns")] ]
(css: "font-size: 80%;")[ WARNING: Every time you come to this page, no matter how you get to it, it will generate new random firearms. So before you click on //anything//, if you want to keep any of the above, copy and paste first! ](random: 0, 9){(for: each _i, ...(range:1,($tags's length))) [
(Set: _result to (_i of $tags))
(Print: " _result")]}{<a href="https://xiombrag.tripod.com/SprawlQuirks.htm" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(Either: "thinner",
"sticky-safety (off)",
"sticky-safety (on)",
"quick-safety (on)",
"quick-safety (off)",
"sticky-safety (off)",
"sticky-safety (on)",
"quick-safety (on)",
"quick-safety (off)",
"kicks (left)",
"kicks (right)",
"jogs (up)",
"jogs (down)",
"kicks (left)",
"kicks (right)",
"jogs (up)",
"jogs (down)",
"smoky")</a>}{(set: _roll to (Either: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4))
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,_roll))[(Display: "Letter")]}I love cheese! YES!
(Display: "Test2"){(Either: "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N",
"V","W","X","X","X","X","Q","Ω","A","K","M","M","M","M","M","M","M","M","M","M","M")}It's time to generate some firearms for *The Sprawl*!
How many firearms do you want me to generate?
{(link: "01")[(set: $howmany to 1)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "02")[(set: $howmany to 2)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "03")[(set: $howmany to 3)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "04")[(set: $howmany to 4)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "05")[(set: $howmany to 5)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "06")[(set: $howmany to 6)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "07")[(set: $howmany to 7)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "08")[(set: $howmany to 8)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "09")[(set: $howmany to 9)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "10")[(set: $howmany to 10)(goto: "WhatType")]}
{(link: "11")[(set: $howmany to 11)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "12")[(set: $howmany to 12)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "13")[(set: $howmany to 13)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "14")[(set: $howmany to 14)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "15")[(set: $howmany to 15)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "16")[(set: $howmany to 16)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "17")[(set: $howmany to 17)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "18")[(set: $howmany to 18)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "19")[(set: $howmany to 19)(goto: "WhatType")] -
(link: "20")[(set: $howmany to 20)(goto: "WhatType")]}
**WARNING:** Any more than 10 and it can get pretty slow after the next step.
(css: "font-size: 60%;")[In general, since this is written in Twine, you'll want to be patient after clicking on links. A lot is going on behind the scenes.]What kind of guns do you want me to generate?
(css: "font-size: 130%;")[(link: "Any Kind!")[(set: $ogun to 0)(goto: "AllGuns")]]
(link: "Holdout pistols")[(set: $ogun to 1)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Flechette pistols")[(set: $ogun to 2)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Revolvers")[(set: $ogun to 3)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Semi-auto pistols")[(set: $ogun to 4)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Heavy revolvers")[(set: $ogun to 5)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Heavy pistols")[(set: $ogun to 6)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Shotguns")[(set: $ogun to 7)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Automatic shotguns")[(set: $ogun to 8)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Assault rifles")[(set: $ogun to 9)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Machine pistols")[(set: $ogun to 10)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "SMGs")[(set: $ogun to 11)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "LMGs")[(set: $ogun to 12)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Hunting rifles")[(set: $ogun to 13)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Crossbows and hunting bows")[(set: $ogun to 14)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Sniper rifles")[(set: $ogun to 15)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Anti-materiel rifles")[(set: $ogun to 16)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Grenade launchers")[(set: $ogun to 17)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Grenade tubes")[(set: $ogun to 18)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Assault cannons")[(set: $ogun to 19)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(link: "Missile launcher")[(set: $ogun to 20)(goto: "AllGuns")]
(set: $moar to " more ")How many firearms do you want me to generate?
{(set: $howmany to 1)(set: $bow to (Either: "crossbow", "hunting bow"))
(link: "01")[(set: $howmany to 1)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "02")[(set: $howmany to 2)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "03")[(set: $howmany to 3)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "04")[(set: $howmany to 4)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "05")[(set: $howmany to 5)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "06")[(set: $howmany to 6)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "07")[(set: $howmany to 7)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "08")[(set: $howmany to 8)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "09")[(set: $howmany to 9)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "10")[(set: $howmany to 10)(goto: "AllGuns")]}
{(link: "11")[(set: $howmany to 11)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "12")[(set: $howmany to 12)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "13")[(set: $howmany to 13)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "14")[(set: $howmany to 14)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "15")[(set: $howmany to 15)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "16")[(set: $howmany to 16)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "17")[(set: $howmany to 17)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "18")[(set: $howmany to 18)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "19")[(set: $howmany to 19)(goto: "AllGuns")] -
(link: "20")[(set: $howmany to 20)(goto: "AllGuns")]}
**WARNING:** Remember, any more than 10 and it can get pretty slow.
(css: "font-size: 60%;")[Again, since this is written in Twine, you'll want to be patient after clicking on //any// links. A lot is going on behind the scenes.]<div id="damiddle">(Display: "Face")</div>
(css: "font-size: 50%;")[{(set: $gunstring to "gun")
(unless: $ogun is 0) [ (set: $gunstring to ($ogun of $gunsgunsguns)) ]
(unless: $howmany is 1) [ (set: $gunstring to ($gunstring + "s")) ]
(if: $howmany is 0) [ I'm waiting on your input. ]
(else:) [ Currently planning on [[generating->AllGuns]] **$howmany$moar$gunstring** when possible. ]}]
(css: "font-size: 50%;")[{(set: $gogogo to ((passage:)'s name))
(if: $gogogo is "Initialize")[ (set: $gogogo to "HowMany") ]
(if: $quirks is "OFF" ) [ (set: $qflip to "ON")(set: $qtext to "Gun quirks are OFF") ]
(else:) [ (set: $qtext to "Gun quirks are ON")(set: $qflip to "OFF") ]
<div id="damiddle">(link: $qtext)[(set: $quirks to $qflip)(goto: $gogogo)</div>]
(if: $korps is "OFF" ) [ (set: $kflip to "ON")(set: $ktext to "Corp names are OFF") ]
(else:) [ (set: $ktext to "Corp names are ON")(set: $kflip to "OFF") ]
<div id="damiddle">(link: $ktext)[(set: $korps to $kflip)(goto: $gogogo)</div>] }]
(unless: $howmany < 11) [ (css: "font-size: 50%;")[(css: "font-size: 130%;")[<div id="damiddle">**|ALERT|**</div>]It may take several seconds for the next page to load when you click on a link!] ]{(Set: $fnord to 0)
(Set: $fnords to " ")
(Set: $maxgunz to 30)
(Set: $gunsgunsguns to (a: "holdout pistol","flechette pistol","revolver","semi-auto pistol","heavy revolver","heavy pistol","shotgun","automatic shotgun","assault rifle","machine pistol","SMG","LMG","hunting rifle","bow","sniper rifle","anti-materiel rifle","grenade launcher","grenade tube","assault cannon","missile launcher"))
(set: $moar to " ")
(set: $howmany to 0)
(set: $ogun to 0)
(set: $bow to (Either: "crossbow", "hunting bow"))
(set: $quirks to "ON")
(set: $qtext to "Gun quirks are ON")
(set: $qflip to "OFF")
(set: $korps to "ON")
(set: $ktext to "Corp names are ON")
(set: $kflip to "OFF")}
App written by Kirt "Loki" Dankmyer, 2018, in Twine 2, Harlowe story format.
//The Sprawl// was written by Hamish Cameron, based on //Apocalypse World// by Vincent Baker.
(Display: "Greeting")
(Display: "HowMany"){(Either: "O_o",
"( •_•)",
"(•_• )",
"¬_¬")}I hate cheese! Okay, I'm kidding. I love cheese.(set: $fnord to (Either: 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9))(if: $fnord is 1) [**(display: "Corp") //(display:"Name") (display:"Jumble")-(display:"Number")//** ](elseif: $fnord is 2) [**(display:"Corp") //(display:"Name") (display: "Number")-(display: "Jumble")//** ](elseif: $fnord is 3) [**(display:"Corp") //(display:"Name") (display:"Jumble")‌(display:"Number")//** ](elseif: $fnord is 4) [**(display:"Corp") //(display:"Name") (display:"Number")‌(display:"Jumble")//** ](elseif: $fnord is 5) [**(display:"Corp") //(display:"Name") (display: "Jumble"):(display: "Number")//** ](elseif: $fnord is 6) [**(display:"Corp") //(display:"Name") (display: "Number"):(display: "Jumble")//** ](elseif: $fnord is 7) [**(display:"Corp") //Mark (display:"Number")//** ](elseif: $fnord is 8) [**(display:"Corp") //Model (display:"Number")//** ](elseif: $fnord is 9) [**(display:"Corp") //Version (display:"Number")//** ](else:) [**(display: "Corp") //Number (display: "Number")//** ] (css: "font-size: 90%;")[(display: "Type")]{(Either: "Ewige Blumenkraft, ","Hail Eris, ","Give me $20 or KILL ME, ","You ain't no stinking bran muffin, ","YOW! Zombies rule Belgium, ","Meow, meow, meow, kitty murder, meow, meow, ","|CATCH PHRASE NOT FOUND|, ","FEED ME, ","This is my favorite store on the Citadel, ","The street finds its own uses for things, ","Late is always too late, ","20 minutes into the future, ","I LOVE YOU, ","BITE ME, ","KILL ME, ")
(Either: "Cosmic Brother","Space Sister","Space Brother","Cosmic Sister","Space Brother","Cosmic Sister","Pink Boy","Console Goddess","fellow human","fellow replicant","adorable kitten","adorable puppy","|NAME MISSING|","abominable kitten","arrogant puppy","chummer","berk","basher","hacker","runner","fool","Commander Shepard","My Adorable Overlord","script kiddie","phone phreak","Kid Icarus","Robin","Ms. President","Mr. Obama","Pathfinder","Captain","Mistress","street samurai","Mother","consumer","Citizen","Comrade")(Either: "!",".","!")}